Concepts Fainting
i want to tell you about this self
i want to tell you what i see
i want to tell you what i do
what i am and how you’re in me
i want to tell you about what i know
and what i can’t believe
i want to tell you about the water
and the relationship to sacred geometry
the golden mean and euclidean dream
the silence and the fire inside the machine
i want to tell you what words can’t say
about the feelings that are you and me
about how there is nothing the same
that everything is similar and different
and how that changes everything
i want to tell you how much i hate you
but how much love i carry inside of you
i want to tell you everything i can
about your dreams and my dreams
and how they will all end
i want to tell you that all belief is make belief
that the truth is beyond all comprehension
how thought can not talk in the field of silence
i want to tell you all that but i can’t
i want to show you how to be
but i can only be myself
i want you to know what i know
and how you know it too
i want so much for us to be together
but we’re not and we can’t
it’s impossible with the characters we’ve created
it is that, that keeps us apart, separate in our identities
and it is just this uniqueness that torments us deep inside
but there is no love in memory
i want to tell you that you look so fine
that i wish you were mine
but in this tenderness i have to walk behind
i want you to know that i lie
but i don’t mean to and that i try
but it’s all in vain, there is no road to truth
there is no way out of here, no plan to love
i want to tell you a secret but i can’t
i want to stop wanting
i am watching now
it is so complete
everywhere i am, i am not
it is all so beautiful, we are perfect
there are no words on this train
we talk in silence
we walk together
we are of one
this is the dream but it is no dream
it is the reality we want in vain
but no wanting can get us there
so you and i are done
we and all are one
the dream is over
and if you open up your ears you’ll hear
that ultimately, nothing really matters
everything arises and then fades away
Eternity Swimming All Around