Image-Content of the Day #10 2018/03/05 of-by
Circa 1996 Cork Ireland…I was accustomed to carrying my camera everywhere i went. This Roma Gypsy woman i often talked to as she tried to make a few dollars from the streets selling trinkets. She never would allow me to photograph her so i didn’t. Nearing my exit from Ireland one day talking to her i told her i was heading back to Canada. We talked with broken english. I again asked her if i may take her picture and this time she said ok. I did not hesitate, This is it.
The Roma Gypsies have spread across Europe and the world. They are mostly persecuted everywhere they go. Their story is not very well told or understood. This book ‘Bury Me Standing’ by Isabel Fonseca explains well their plight in life (…/isabel-fo…/bury-me-standing/). Vernon Harper‘s wife Geralyn turned me on to this book just before i left for Ireland for a year. The Native American Indian have a lot in common with the Gypsies. This is one of the best books i have read……..Vern’s father was half Irish Gypsy and half Cree i was told.