#100 Image-Content of the Day 2018/06/03

#100 Image-Content of the Day 2018/06/03 of-by https://blog.patrickwey.com/category/image-content-of-the-day
I picked this shot to celebrate my ‘100th image/content of the day’ because these are the real un-named heroes of my collection. The ones in the streets with stories few have ears to hear. This guy hung around Kensington Market Toronto. He felt honoured to be a subject of my interest, at any rate, friendly and conducive to my swift professionalism. I don’t take long to grab a shot. I like to capture the essence as best as i can. He was crouched down so i did to and without hesitation flicked the shutter three or four times. I was prepared, i knew the shutter speed, Fstop for the conditions surrounding; no time to adjust gods main light, or rearrange the subject. You have to get what you can get with tools and material available.
I saw him numerous times and though i don’t know his real story; i felt he was an intelligent man that fell into some bad luck a little too deep to comfortably emerge from. We said a few words, i gave him some change and i parted. He didn’t want my pity and i didn’t give him any.

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