#73 Image-Content of the Day 2018/05/07 of-by https://blog.patrickwey.com/category/image-content-of-the-day
‘Even The Eternal Source Is A Reflection’
I uploaded over fifty images from my trip to Thailand to my website http://patrickwey.zenfolio.com/p776377158. All these images are reflections off the canal that surrounds the old city of Chiang Mai. This canal is straight and slowly flows stagnant water, unlike the curved roofs of the ancient structures within its walls. I remember reading somewhere how this curvature was to avoid the evil unnatural straight energy of fire dragons versus the curved natural vortical movement of water and the water snake of life. This stagnation allows for the beauty of reflections included in my PuddleArt Series which i have been producing for years. Water has been imprisoned all over the world. Water is the foundation of what we call memory, consciousness and if one is aware that we are life forms derived from a ‘Living Earth’, it would be intelligent to pay attention to all aspects of water, from LaoTsu, Viktor Schauberger, Ancestral Wisdom the visions are everywhere. Some day hopefully soon i will be producing a book of these and other reflection images with poetry and text.

Even the Eternal Source is a Reflection
Dreams are like reflections, everything is…
dreams and reflections are one and everything
reality is a reflection
words are reflections
dreams are made of reflections
everything is reflected
the deepest thought is a reflection of the simplest
where we are is where we are not
life is a reflection of death
silence is the greatest reflection
the dream is never over, it has just passed
a reflection is like love, it is always on the move
thinking is knowing, knowing is a reflection
a dream is a dream is a reflection
everything is a dream
reality is captured reflections, it is melting
no matter how still they appear, they are moving
thought and dream and reflections are one and two and….
true love is like a pure reflection, a simple dream
thought is the killer of silence, silence is the substance of everything
the melting smile of eternal twists
a perfect reflection is in the eyes of the becoming
the depth of reality is on two sides of the surfaces
dualism is the illusion of two worlds reflected by one surface
the perfect reflection is the perfect moment
a moment is a point in a refection which appears still
now is rejected by reflection, therefore life and death
the now appears to be silent but is moving still
re, it’s in your body, it’s in the air, it’s in the land, in the aquifers, the mountain streams, the creeks, the rivers, lakes and oceans. Water is everywhere, it’s in your tea, it’s in your bacon, it’s in your beliefs, it’s in your dreams, it’s in your lover, it’s in your enemies, it’s in your religion, it’s in your science, it’s in your music, it’s in your business, water is in everything. Healthy water, healthy everything, sick water, a dying world. Water gives life, water takes away life, honour water and it will honour you. Shit in it and it’ll shit in you. Feed it carcinogen’s and it will teach you with cancer. Dissect it and it will dissect you. Water is the reflection of the soul, water is your life, water is the vessel of light, water is you, you are water and water is everywhere. How is Your Water?
This is my opinion based on numerous endeavours into the depths of the mind, the so called spirit world. With many experiences with what may at first appear as other dimensions, spirits, higher thought embedded into my mind, i have investigated the one tool that binds all of this together and found illusion after illusion. There is nothing more than my coyote instincts to be alive. I can not teach anyone anything and no one can teach me anything. I am a being upon this earth for a short time. I developed an identity from societal conditioning and stepped out of it numerous times to see its facade. It has been frightening at times because the ego does not want to die, but die it must to see clear. There is nothing to find, the search has ended, the search itself has been the biggest hoax of all. I have nothing to live for and yet i live. I have nothing to care for and yet i care. I have nothing to be and yet i am. Sometimes i am happy and sometimes i am sad, sometimes i am interested and sometimes i am not. I look just like you and no one can see what i have seen. The world is trapped into its nature. The body knows all i need to know. It owns me, it is the environment. It all begins with the body. It all ends with the body. I am merely a dream sitting in the home of a mind. The illusion has seen itself, like a reflection in the water i am gone.