#45 Image-Content of the Day 2018/04/09 of-by https://blog.patrickwey.com/category/image-content-of-the-day
It is amazing how plus 4 degree celsius dew water sits extremely energized on the tips of early morning grass defying gravity. This simple/complex understanding of water could change all of our energy and many of our social issues if only people really wanted to live. It appears that most of us simply want to believe in anything/something that gives comfort, security and happiness. Unfortunately reality demands other attributes. We carry on trusting people that have absolutely no clue or ulterior motives. Viktor Schauberger died a broken man, he also gave the world an understanding of a technology that would save us from our destruction of the earth. A micro percent of humanity has listened but very few have understood and the controlling resistance from the top has destroyed a few hundred years of advancement. Possibly we, along with many species are doomed, possibly not. ‘Implosion Biotechnology’, the natural life-giving-energy-creator of a water planet. Image created when waternature.org was formed – circa 15 years ago.