Thoughts along the way, mixed up and out of state

WaterColoursByMotherGaia (future book in progress)
Reflections, refractions, and reinventions; mother earth is the master painter of all life and beauty. Nothing can compare to the wonders, the colours, the form and sensitive movements of the eternal moments water creates. I walk around with my head in the reflections everywhere, everywhere i see light skimming across the heavens of my mind. A single tree in the waves of my lens, the stunning beauty wraps itself around my skin, my eyes collide head -on with the textures in my heart, my soul feels form right through to the deepest crevasses of my mind.
Beauty sits still as it moves about in the twists and turns of light upon the glistening shadows across the surfaces of water, air and the delicate illuminescence of spirit within all things.
I am a documentary photographer of the master works of mother gaia and her undying strength to create beauty everywhere. She is my love. She is the love that guides my every move. She is the silence in my mind. She inhabits every breath i receive. Without her i am nothing. My short insignificant life has been to see this beauty and to attempt to capture her wealth for a flash of a transient moment of her forever changing eternal beauty.
There is an endless stream of light reflecting down thru the tunnels of molecules, atoms and unknown infinite dimensions. There is where i ponder, as often as probable ………. patrick wey : photography
Back In the Journal

We arrived in Veracruz City today for a look, see. We have a 5th floor hotel room over-looking the bay. After a walk here and there along beaten up streets to the main zagalo, we sat in another amazing patio for a great locally grown coffee. The terraced patios around the aged treed square makes you want to just hang out and watch people and ponder about your existence or what have you. We did that, then moved on. After a short time in the hotel room we took Kachi out for a run on the beach. She went nuts, she loves the water, the beach sand, digging and running wild as a happy dog.
Walking by a young Mexican couple i could here, ‘How does if feel, to be without a home, like a complete unknown, with no direction home, like a rolling stone’. Wow, i hadn’t heard one of my mental master pieces for a month. I stood there listening to all four verses watching the setting sun and feeling feelings my heart hadn’t touched for a long long while. I especially focused in on the stanza, ‘You used to ride on a chrome horse with your diplomat
Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat
Ain’t it hard when you discovered that
He really wasn’t where it’s at
After he took from you everything he could steal’……… does it feel, all alone, no direction home, a rolling stone.
The symbolism hits so hard today if you let it, with people like Gates, Fuchi, and the many other billionairs with their puppets and pawns locked into the pharma-industry, the injection vacs-scam and yet with so many that have heard this song thousands of times and yet hadn’t understood a word of what dylan and many others have been saying for centuries. The super wealthy are scamming us, ripping us off, making fools of us, and we are letting them, honouring them, condoning them. ‘Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king’, (dylan) and i am suppose to feel sorry for the ‘patriotic scoundrels’ that keep the repetition wheels rolling and than when the few of us speak out, yell out, we’re condemned, silenced, sensored, crucified, beheaded. Respecting the wrong values, this holly-world has got most of us by the dream-balls, and we love it, want it, repeat it, fooled by it and fool others into it, coercing the many into the same ditch; they don’t want no jonny ‘out of step’, jonny, jonny ‘be good’.
No, it doesn’t feel all that great to realize that we’re a billion light years from home, but it’s an honest feeling to hear words that pierce your heart to the soul, leaves you stranded, lonesome, on the road, but real.
The day moves on whether you want it to or not, sometimes it leaves you behind, longing for things that just no longer exist.
And also, to confirm that being open to discuss anything is not anti anything, necessarily. Not allowing open discussion puts you in a position of being anti-information, anti science, anti logic, anti intelligence, anti human. To eliminate and remove videos and information questioning all the variables of this Covid Scenario is not science; it is control, bulling, down right anti-democracy and i will not abide by these rules… what you will to me, but nature is my boss and she says, ‘don’t trust them, their science is an octave too low, flawed and sinister’.
I have lost most of my friends and family due to continuing to being open about all aspects of life in general and especially this Covid affair. There is more than enough information that is being suppressed to open up real scientific philosophical discussion. Look around before more disappears; if you don’t want to end up in a much much stranger world, join the investigation. IMO.
Back In the Factory Palace
The car ran like a charm. It was nice to have a few swims. Kachi enjoyed it the most, i’d say. She got noticed around the whole length of the beach for her excitement and manners. So many commented about her behaviour. She is one happy dog, makes me ashamed at times, so much to learn from her.
There was a balcony right beside our room over looking the beach and on christmas eve after returning from the beach we thought we’d wash Kachi’s beach-sanded-feet before we let her into the room. I don’t know how it happened but when we closed the sliding door it slammed and locked us out on the balcony. We slightly panicked. We had thoughts that we’d be sleeping on the balcony with no blankets and a hard floor. There was a young man standing on the corner six floors below and with our fake spanish we kept yelling to him. I presume he thought we were just a couple of drunks. After fifteen minutes or so i finally convinced him to go inside to the desk and tell the worker our situation of however it appeared to him. After another fifteen minutes or so we finally saw lights coming from a staircase down the hall. Well, that was a taste of a Christmas Eve that could have gotten out of control, thinking thoughts of jumping to the next balcony and other ridiculous inclinations that ramble around a half panicked mind. Kachi sat there scared knowing this was all serious business. Feliz Navidad
Down the road the play continues, the museums are filled with well formed facts, artifacts, warm facts, cold facts but nothing can speak of the real truth of the times that passed thru the moments that still linger down the halls along the walls of eternity. Almost everyone it seems needs to hang onto a few smells of glory, a couple of loves lost, a basket of caresses, some taste of sweet skin and many more than one definite conclusion burning away in the heart of the mind.
God knows there will be a time when space is one again, but in the mean time the road will play on, down the line within the conscious mind.
The hot sun and the jungle terrain lays a mellow feeling on my brain. I wonder what is waiting down that path of freedom, whether it’s worth the gamble, will there be any truth there i wonder, or am i bound for another round of servitude. I escape for the time being and head on down another trail. Free for awhile from the turmoil in the north and the constant battle with logic, stupidity, facts and lies. It’s speeding across the globe, the plan is tight, well designed, playing on the hidden and obvious desires of the crowd. Who’s gonna win is anybodies guess, the prophets are in our favour, the profits are in theirs. I got my head on straight in this noon day sun and I’m just gonna go with the wind, the slight breeze down through the Rio Blanco canyon….some say the answer’s blowing there…i’ve caught a glimpse a few times, never could describe it across the shifting plains.
A Full Haystack
the first one was acceptable
the second debatable
the third very questionable
and all the while, big lock down coming in quick
gonna push you to the limit
bundles of boosters on order, sliding in
and off in the dim shadows
a chorus is singing low, ‘just say no
and it will all fade
fade away’.
who are our ally’s
who can see the war
who is the enemy
what are they fighting for?
Nov. 11 2021 – It’s about time
Time to listen, time to rearrange the mind, the mind of experience in desitute. Time moves about like some misty landscape in an early morning light. Sun whipping around corners, trees, grass and high sky scrapers shadowing ancient seas. Waters flowing across the night, thru walls of memory like a knife, crashing aghast against the cruelty. The days break along the empty canal full of scenes of history like a breeze, harsh and sweet.
I stumbled in asked for a drink sat down and looked about, pictures hanging off walls like tombs expressive impressive and long long into the eons of time. I glanced back along the canal once again and wandered for awhile then moved on.
I followed along the busy streets like a hollow-being stuffed with conclusions of most everything. There wasn’t a topic under the sun that didn’t have the mark of opinion etched inside its roots. Masked and frightened walkers strolled by heavy on their limps whispering magnetic lullaby’s into the ears of the virgin sheep. Bookyards were full and over flowing with facts, fiction and syllables scraped off the heals of saints and warriors whose chance had bypassed the future into vague forsaken dream scapes. Nothing was going to end simple, every move was complicated into realities previously unheard unwanted and tender like a silent night.
Opinions tightened up, scientists, lawyers and worn out artists kept the maps moving always one step ahead of terrains too harsh to be believed. Books were writing, blogs kept tract, videos documented judgement and the sentiment for views on every corner. I walked by the old shadows and felt the light of the night tingle into my brain, caress my directions and tangle the dance into oblivion. That was sacred and there was no sense in explaining. The people kept the score and wavered from side to side, nothing was resolved, many died, power kept control, the hidden escaped once again, the world moved forward over the millenniums of burning clay into another dawn.
Like a swarm of locusts the masked walked on.
October 26 2021 – I can see that more and more people are questioning
I can see that more and more people are questioning the validity of the situation that the so called ‘Virus19’ has thrown us into. I know that some will feel great shame in what they have done. Once the realization sinks in further and further they may get angry, quilty that they may have convinced others to take a jab that is life threatening. Don’t be too hard on yourselves. We thought we could trust in the system that had conditioned us into believing they would look after us. Some were well aware that that has not been the case, possibly for so far into the past that the winds of change had erased the evidence from view.
The very few that govern this world have one major fear. That is the fear that the masses will become aware that we do not need them and that they affect our lives in so many adverse ways that we would eliminate them if we could. Well we can. This is their last attempt to control us with technologies almost too complex to believe and understand that they could exist, but they do and they are on their last legs. More and more of us are waking up to these facts. Cover your shame, your guilt, stand together. This is the only way. I am not your enemy, you are not my enemy. This is what they thrive upon, it keeps us busy fighting the wrong enemy. Come together, a great Lennon song, over me, over us, over them, just come together and stop complying to the insane rules and laws they are constantly ramming into our veins.
Wake up and trust in your brothers and sisters, be very leary of any billionaires, multi corporations, governments. We have the technologies, we built them, we know them, we can change the world, we don’t need them, they are ripping us off, making our lives unbearable, creating sciences that this earth can do without. We can be without poverty, we can decide intelligently what we want, what we need, we can hear nature our creator for guidance.
Why has it that some were quick to ask the right questions that led them to mistrust the whole validity of this of what we call the 2019 pandemic? I have questioned this many times and found no exact answer but fragments of truths along the way. I derived at a formula for consciousness about 35 years ago on a 10 hour trip back to toronto from chicago with a close friend Jim. The revelation was that ‘consciousness equals information times games squared’. I have corrected that to ‘information times clarity squared and that clarity is equal to focus times intensity.
Let me explain. I have personal friends that come from different backgrounds from bikers to doctors, to composers, lawyers, artists, experts in media, construction, nurses, travellers, and more. Some trusted the media and the pharmaceutical companies and the governments to be telling them the truth, simply that there is a pandemic and ultimately the only recourse is to take this injection they called a vaccine. This included, belief in masking, distancing and all the main stream media propaganda. I would say that 90% of friends and family bought into this scenario. I had talked to many and there answers were all based on what might be called common knowledge that vaccines worked in the past with small pox, polio, etc. and that they trusted the typical sources of media for their conclusions. Most could not conceive of a possibility that this could be falsified to such an extent to include the common store clerk right up to the top officials in the government worldwide. No such plan could possibly be in accordance to reality.
With a wide variety of people mostly in favour of the agenda and also the few against it, where was the commonalty. Early on i deduced that it had something to do with an individuals respect for authority. This could include their undying respect for educational degrees, prestige and success in the form of equity (money) over inteliigence, investigation, knowledge from the soul.
Oct 20 2021 – People walk upright with masks tight
People walk upright with masks tight, beauty hidden deep within. The distance between them is silent and warm like a sun hit wild rose unnoticed of a perfume so fragrant honey bees delight. They are busy thinking about things, about futures, rearranging the past and desperately demanding pleasures from a crowded space. The cool afternoon autumn streets are wet and shallow. A crow passes by, a man with a cane touches the pavement with his eyes and a young girl is dying in the heavens with love from below.
The city meets the country air along a narrow path that leads to the cliffs of a jagged shore. The people are more solemn there with the waters, pleasant and sad. I have a thought that keeps roaming around the landscape of my mind. ‘Is it possible to be unattached to the thoughts that sail across my sea and be free from the continuity that has programmed itself within this mind i call me’, and then a wave crushes the shore line and touches the veins of my soul, silent noice fills the room.
This is the beauty one finds when one is not looking, when one is open as a vast sea scape, long like an endless cloud that passes through the horizons of the known. This is where beauty slips into the mind, when time falls off the cliff into the sea and the heart sores high above the pleasures of love. Beauty is what is when love is silent.
I look out this window across dying leaves of autumn colour to the misty mountains hardly visible. It is early here. People are no where near. I have nothing to be. There is no fight but to breathe. I don’t believe you, i don’t believe me. I act when i act and leave it at that. If i carry any thing at all it is because i do, not because i want to. I don’t own this body, this mind, i am i, an illusion but i do believe, tremble and walk, escape, repeat and will end. There is very little sacred but this view across the valley. The world will continue to force power control upon one another for no good reason. I fall in there for moments when i have nothing better to do or have forgotten to forget or care about the dying souls. Nothing serious, just life living its patterns upon the disintegrating space of time of a deeper space. Nothing comes to an end and to nothing again. I look back across the valley across the multi coloured leaves falling from high trees, the rain caressing my heart against the harsh metal roof and i sigh, beauty, silence again.
Up To Date
I don’t know where i’m goin, hardly know where i’ve been. Been flying low along the avenues lately. Can’t seem to get it right, the world just keeps drowning all around me. People thinking they know where it’s at, throwing severe images along the ditch expecting me to listen, to react, to follow some vague mixed up twisted concepts and say thanks, thanks for the lift into your brain, your dark light, your chamber of confinement and obedient claws. No thanks, i’m outa here, on the run again, out into the streets, the hard rain, the sleet, the bare truth, the raw screams, the way out of this world.
Jan 8 2022, Left for the coast this morning. I suspect things will change in this mind of mine, less, ‘all over the place’, and more observations of my daily existence in the the surreal. I sat across from the main zagallo in the Orizaba Cafe the other day watching ‘mostly’ masked people go in and out of the main cathedral and wander around the park and busy themselves up and down the streets living life. Masks and covid running thru my mind i wrote this:
Across the Streets The Rain
Cathedrals are over flowing with grief
patient lambs praying for more time in heaven
all else seems bitter and cruel
along this hot and damp avenue
The world is in turmoil
burnt out and crawling
the time of hard cold facts
erupting thru vague cracks
it won’t be long before death takes its toll
masses dying for apparently no reason at all
and no answer fit to express all this deceit
it’s the time of man on this pedestal seat
there is no telling how it will all unfold
nothing but time is carved in stone
take every breath you can of tender love
truth come raining down from the highest above
Comment please, it enhances the continuity of dreams.
Images and writing by Patrick Wey
Like a Rolling Stone Lyrics as written by Bob Dylan
Sweetheart Like You
Artist: Bob Dylan
Album: Infidels (1983)
They say that patriotism is the last refuge
To which a scoundrel clings
Steal a little and they throw you in jail
Steal a lot and they make you king