#94 Image-Content of the Day 2018/05/26 of-by https://blog.patrickwey.com/category/image-content-of-the-day
Hello FaceBookFriends….I’ll be short! I am sorry if i have offended anyone especially with my lack of LIKES on your content. At my age i have taken on a lot more than i expected and now with a new unrelated career in the last year or so, i hope to possibly catchup financially, but have no time left for much else. I promised myself to eliminate Social Media for the most part, so i don’t get to see other content that can often take up more time than i can afford and consequently i miss viewing your content.
It has taken me years to collect images, develop negatives, contact and make prints; then i picked roughly 20K from 120k of colour and B/W’s and digitized them. That took years and each one still has to be adjusted and cleaned up to upload properly…..I know if i don’t expose them in the coming years i will die without having to share them with friends & humanity. Therefore i am determined to put up one image a day for an undetermined time period. I hope they are enjoyed. By the number of likes i get, i wonder at times but one must do what one feels appropriate for ones life and this is it for me, for now. So thanks to those that comment and ‘like’ these content/images and the effort it takes to make this happen…..cheers, meegwetch…….circa 1976 selfie