#71 Image-Content of the Day 2018/05/05 of-by https://blog.patrickwey.com/category/image-content-of-the-day
Wroclaw Poland https://www.facebook.com/wroclaw.wroclove/
In the centre of the city is this beautiful square inside a square of old brick, stone and youth live from a long history of persecution in from the winds of west and east.
A mime dancer in bare black and white with ancestral memories too dear to expose. Years turn into years and time twists down the bent roads of minds like a gray day does within the shadows of life. There was a slight breeze of melancholy that day, dull from an awareness of a past; lives shattered and splattered against walls and yet a magic encircling hypnotized the space in beauty and tender thought . Life has its way of moving on. We do move on. A rose is a rose is……
circa very late 1900’s