#29 Image-Content of the Day 2018/03/24 of-by https://blog.patrickwey.com/category/image-content-of-the-day
What was once called an Asylum for the Insane; St Annes Asylum, Cork, Ireland……..A long story short… I was asked to smudge a section of the vacant women’s quarters. A super huge room with the remains of a hundred old metal beds or so stacked off to the side. There were eight or so private rooms the size of prison cells along one wall where horrendous things took place, i had heard. The energy was piercing of evil, sadness and abandonment. There was one section remaining with close to forty elderly men that a women nurse had taken it upon herself to see these individuals into their death. They had been terribly treated as was the practice behind us. She created areas with beach sand, lawn chairs and a relaxing safe atmosphere. She also developed an art room. One of the patients had a major art show in Dublin with portraits quite the opposite to Van Gogh whereas the portraits began expressionist-like and entered further into realism, but he was not present. This man in the photo was one of the patients. No one talked to me accept for the artist who told me his name but nothing more. For legal issues i was not allowed to take photo’s but hey, it was my life. They didn’t care and i believe they felt honoured. The lady nurse told me a few weeks later that the energy in the place had shifted enormously. I had heard that this huge old stone building was the longest building in all of Ireland. This link has aerial views….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScqoGcKS2Fg…the man in the back danced across the room.