142 Image-Content of the Day 2018/07/15 of-by https://blog.patrickwey.com/category/image-content-of-the-day
“I see clear like you do when you’re alone full of emptiness and spread out like things are when they are separate from each other in a way that keeps them apart. When you feel like nothing it is different than being in nothingness. Life takes one on many trips thru the mind that can never be duplicated, retraced completely, but we know a few things we know as certain here in the consciousness of bird brain. Love is just a word in the mind but love is also what binds it all together, one might call it the tao. The way is the road in the tao, love is the substance that beholds mystery; the knowing where thought can not go is where it is at. I am just a crow you say; of course you would!”
Rosetta – circa early 90’s