117 Image-Content of the Day 2018/06/20 of-by https://blog.patrickwey.com/category/image-content-of-the-day
I spent a month in Puerto Vallarta area in late November and early December of 2017.
I collected a few images mostly puddle shots and wrote pages of text about my existence here on this earth. Images and text to be found here…. http://patrickwey.com/…/in-mexico-gathering-excerpts-gone-b…
Excerpts of Excerpts:
– Everybody’s life is a story but few ever get told. Even when they are told they can never really hit the depth of the experiences that had taken place. I don’t believe in so called non-fiction, i can hardly take anyone serious when i am face to face, anymore than i take myself very serious. Everybody’s life is partly truth and partly fiction, and i get it, lets not quibble about semantics.
– Here, later in the night in my mexican hotel room off in an old neighbourhood and things are clear…….
– The morning is here. The sleep was peaceful and i feel rested and ready for another day upon this earth. I meditate as i walk, as i sit, as i eat, as i observe what is before me. I have no method other than to eliminate any method that may be found. Everything does exactly what everything needs to do.
– – Yes, so you find numerous contradictions here, well, you’re right, there is no thought that can exist without ultimately slipping into contradiction and oblivion. That is why people fear death, fear psychedelics, fear silence, fear any process that disintegrates their belief system, their personality, character, but certainly when death comes a knocking it will surely do exactly that. You can get prepared or not, it doesn’t matter. Enjoy life the best you can, help others when they need a hand, be gentle and let the mystery move you and to be your only faith.